
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:55:45
He lives in the past.All of his friend are living in the past.At least the past can't change.They can't take it away from you.It's always there,and you can close your eyes and see it.


He lives in the past.All of his friend are living in the past.At least the past can't change.They can't take it away from you.It's always there,and you can close your eyes and see it.
这里的they 并不是具体的指代,是抽象的。
they 可以是:能够干涉你回忆的人或者物,能够抢占你思想空间的其他事物等等

其他人---没有人能剥夺你的过去 ---此句可以用 no one can take it away from you替换的


the past